Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A Brief Note On The American Red Cross - 1759 Words
One of the greatest tragedies to strike mankind in this day and age is a natural disaster, in particular, a hurricane. In October 2012 Hurricane Sandy made landfall in the United States causing more than $60 billion in damage and killing around 200 people. There are a few companies that deal with natural disasters and help out as many affected people as possible, one of the largest being the American Red Cross. Founded in 1881, the American Red Cross assists not only disasters in the United States, but all around the world. The American Red Cross was one of the leading nonprofits during Hurricane Sandy, helping those affected by the storm in as many ways as possible. One of the greatest issues that the Red Cross has to deal with is†¦show more content†¦The American Red Cross’ works not only with disaster relief, but the company also consists of many other distinct branches. They help out not only with disaster relief but also with supporting military families, taking blood donations, health and safety services, and also international services. The main focus for this essay will be disaster relief, specifically hurricanes. In 2012, when Hurricane Sandy reached to the United States, the American Red Cross was one of the leading disaster relief companies. According to the American Red Cross’ website, the following were used to provide relief to the United States from Hurricane Sandy: over 300 emergency response vehicles, nearly 7,000,000 relief items, more than 17,000,000 meals, 74,000 overnight stays in shelter, 113,000 emotional support and health contacts, and over 17,000 trained disaster workers were deployed (Disaster Relief Services). The Red Cross takes donations not only from charitable individuals but they also take donations from large corporations, including 3M, General Electric and Wal-Mart (PR, N.) Donations to the Red Cross, totaling approximately $313.1 million as of September 30, 2015 are spread out in many different ways. Th ere are four main forms of assistance in which the money from the donations are spread out. These types of assistance are broken up as individual casework and assistance, food and shelter, housing and community assistance, and relief items.Show MoreRelatedThe General Dress Code Follows The Principle Of Tpo1457 Words  | 6 Pagesidentity; meanwhile, the dress should be based on different associating purposes and object. In brief, you must dress up appropriately and fits the occasion(Lee). Additionally, we have heard the phrases like â€Å"Clothes make the man†and â€Å"Dress for success†, which make dressing up so important that it would influence your life. â€Å"Lefkowitz, Blake, and Mouton (1955) had an experimenter in a city cross the street against the traffic. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Evidence Based Practice And Practice - 1635 Words
A. In today s society, there is a great deal of research and practice about evidence based practice. Most of this is highly sought upon in the field of psychology, where evidence and decision making is key to accomplishing new ideas of treatments for people who retain psychiatric problems. The meaning of evidence-based practice in psychology is that it involves making very educated and supported decisions based on punctilious, unambiguous, and astute evidence (Rousseau Gunia, 2016). With evidence-based practice, it assists in raising and deriving the issue of what evidence really is, the strength of the evidence, and how practitioners can improve the quality of their evidence (Rousseau Gunia, 2016). Evidence is a major factor because†¦show more content†¦Third, professionals who are given new, unusual, and unfamiliar situations may have trouble with accessing and retrieving new evidence (Rousseau Gunia, 2016). Among these main issues, other criticisms that have arose sinc e its beginning include the effectiveness of treatments and evidence. The first criticism states that evidence-based practice has only one approach, which is only one approach for all people. This is an error within itself and in practice because not all people have the same illnesses and not all people respond to one treatment in the same way (Rousseau Gunia, 2016). Another criticism is that the practice mainly relies on randomly controlled trials (RCTs), which involves randomly allocating one or other of the different treatments under study. This may affect the patient solemnly on the fact the patient may be receiving only one form of treatment that may increase or decrease effectiveness against their illness, or may be receiving a treatment that has not fully researched and may be excessively failing (Rousseau Gunia, 2016). Evidence-based practice may also rely heavily on human judgement, which may affect a practitioner s decision on what type of evidence to use before conducti ng practice on a patient. Their judgement may not be very stable and acceptable, thus causing various problems in their practice and
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Great Power Hegemony Free Essays
Name: Sayed Jamaluddin Firozi, St no: 1B1019 Great power hegemony There is a question that which system (empire, balance of power, concert of power or great power hegemony) provides the best conditions for advancing peace, prosperity and civilization? There are several opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of each system and the functions, abilities and disabilities of them to maintaining the peace and stability in international arena. But I want to argue on hegemonic power system as a preventer of war among states and a maintainer of peace as comparison to other suggested types of system for advancing peace, stability and civilization in all over the world. Hegemonic power system is the best system for advancing peace, prosperity and preventing war among states comparing to other types of systems such as empire, balance of power, and concert of power. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Power Hegemony or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this paper I will argue that as history of international relations show most wars and conflicts among states occurred in a lack of a hegemonic power because a hegemonic power try to act as a policeman and don’t let the states to start war. If war happens mostly the super power will enter the war to stop it because the hegemonic power does see itself as a policeman to have the right to intervene. So, hegemonic power is good for making peace and stability in the world. There are many reasons that great power hegemony system could be the best option for developing peace and preventing the war. It is clear that two world wars happened in the absence of a great hegemonic power. For example if in the 1910s there was great power hegemony the First World War may did not happen. In addition, hegemonic power system naturally makes its allies and don’t want to go just for its own interest but also look for others as well. In contrast in balance of power each actor in the system try to pursue its national interests and want to increase the power in terms of military or other resources. Furthermore, great power hegemony can be very helpful in cooperation among states, because the hegemonic power bear the most cost of transaction in the system. For example USA as a hegemonic state â€Å"pays the 22 percent regular expenditure of United Nation and 25 percent of the budget while UN goes for peacekeeping operations around the world. On the other hand, â€Å"the system of balance of power doesn’t seem to contribute the cooperation among states but in contrast it pushes the states to go for a competition and armament race because each state in the system will increase its capabilities to make the balance in the system. Eventually this competition will lead nation state to build its arm forces†. However, there are some arguments about the weakness of hegemonic power to prevent states from going to war. They argue that hegemonic power has its own limitations in term of internal and external barriers to go as policeman around the world. This arguments see very good and logic. But they don’t have any proposal that which system could be the best to make the world more peaceful and prosperous. So, despite these points of view the other types of system such as balance of power or concert of power likely aren’t good replacement for great power hegemony system to be succeeded for making peace and stability in the world. So I will try to give more examples from history of international relations to show the other systems (empire and balance of power or concert of power) couldn’t make a stable and peaceful world. But mostly went to war and there was fear of attack from other country in the era of those systems. In conclusion, there might be some suggestion for advancing peace, prosperity and stability within the system of great power hegemony. References: 1. Luard, Evan. The balance of power: The System of International Relations, 1648 – 1815, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1992. 2. Kennedy, Paul, The Rise and Fall of Great Powers, Random House, New York, 1987 3. Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1996. 4. Journal of Peace Research. 5. Brooking Institution Press. 6. The Better World Campaign. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 2 ]. . U. S. Dues and Contributions to the United Nations, The Better World Campaign, http://www. betterworldcampaign. org/issues/funding/us-dues-and-contributions. h tml , [ 3 ]. . Journal of p eace research, 1964-2007 (Vols. 1-44), http://www. jstor. org/stable/422972? seq=3 How to cite Great Power Hegemony, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Development in Oil and Gas Retail Industries Europe and United States
Question: Evaluate the potential of technological change on the energy retailing industry in the next decade. Critically discuss the implications of recent trends and changes within the supply chain of the UK petroleum retail marke. Answer: Introduction: Europe and United states are interested to import the liquid fuels from the Middle East countries. It is essential for those countries which have high demand of liquid fuel. As stated by Mitchell et al. (2012), the demand for the liquid fuel is gradually increasing due to release of household cooking items and new launched vehicles. The Shell is the global group of producing petrochemical and energy. The organization has around 101,000 employees in more than 140 countries (Williams et al. 2012). It has been observed that Shell has the aim to fulfill the world's growing demand of energy in the economy. The Shell provides oil change service, convenience stores, gas and petrol in more than countries. It has been noticed that not only Shell but also British Petroleum has started the globalization process in their business. The BP has taken different strategies for developing their petroleum business such as liberalization, free trade, globalization of economic activities, connectivity, b orderless globe and others. It has been observed that the British Petroleum has reserved more over 1202 million metric tons of crude oil and 1437 billion cubic meters of natural gas on 2010 (bbc.com 2016). As opined by Erickson and Winters (2012), the crude oil production is gradually increased by 0.55% (bbc.com 2016). Challenges of the existing oil and gas retail sector: The oil and gas retail industry has gone through massive disruption due to the price hike of the petroleum. As per the general news report, it has been observed that Britain oil and gas organization has assumed that they have faced the biggest challenge in last 50 years (Liu et al. 2012). As argued by Albino et al. (2012), the challenges faced by the Britain oil industry is due to the low level of exploration. The UKs oil and gas companies have said that they were drilled only 15 wells last year. The drilling system of wells is the healthy level of investment. The production companies have claimed that the exploration drilling was gradually down from 44 wells to 20 wells during six years. As per Annual Activity Survey by Oil and Gas UK has found that the well drilling system has influenced the fuel production cost up to 15% on last year (bbc.com 2016). It has been noticed that the price of the oil barrel hasincreased by 27% and it reached 17 (Sun et al. 2012). The oil and gas retail organization has faced strong challenge due to the price hike of per barrel by 30 which is almost double of the last years barrel price. The rising price was applied on the previous week in Centrica. The oil and gas retail organization has decided to make the future investment in Norway and North America (Liu et al. 2012). The oil and gas retailers have claimed that the petrol and diesel price increased due to the production tax payments to the UK government. On another hand, the UK Treasury has expected that due to low production ratio the Tax collection will be decreased from 6.5 billion to 3 billion (Liu et al. 2012). It has been noticed that no investors are interested in investing in the oil and gas retail business. However, it has been found that the ratio of petrol price increment is slightly decreased from 14.4 billion to 13 billion and the organizations are interested in investing in the oil and gas retail segment (Pollitt 2012). According to Marchand (2012), the fuel production rise and new wells drilled are two main reasons for creating the price hike of fuel in the international market and considered as primary barriers for the oil and gas retail organization. It has been observed that the UK oil and gas producingorganization has decreased their production by 8% which is equal to the 1.43 million barrels of per day (Christopherson and Rightor 2012). The oil and gas retail organizations expect that the production of the refined petroleum and gas will improve due to new investment plan of 2 new organizations. The environmental impact of the petroleum industry is always negative because petroleum iand its production is considered as toxic for the human life, environment and main reason for climate change. Petrol is closely linked with the virtually all aspects in the society such as transportation, heating of homes, many commercial and industrial activities. Crude oil is a mixture of different kind of organic compounds which are highly toxic. As argued by Ates and Durakbasa (2012), the toxicity of the crude oil may cause cancer. On another hand, the exhaust of the burned fuel generates the carbon monoxide, methanol. Christopherson and Rightor (2012) stated that the exhaust gas affected the human and animal lung and caused the heart problem. Nitrogen gas is generated by the high temperature of the combustion of the oil and may cause acid rain. The acid rain causes the dead tree, acidified the lakes with dead fish. The human burns large number of petroleum is used by the human for the differ ent purpose and generates a large number of CO2 which heats up the atmosphere. It has been noticed that the growing countries are depending on the renewable energies like solar energy, biofuel, ethanol fuel gradually becomes familiar. Many countries like Brazil and USA start producing ethanol fuel and make it mandatory for the country (Barth 2013). Therefore, the nonconventional energy is the main competitor of the petrol and gasoline. It has been noticed that the biofuel is comparative cheap and containing almost no environmental. Therefore, the most of the developing countries start to us the biofuel and the car industry also began to produce the biofuel cars (Del et al. 2012). The geopolitics of oil fundamentally changes due to the interregional oil trade division between eastern and western hemisphere. Therefore, the issue regarding the oil import from the Middle East countries is also a challenge for the oil and gas retailers of UK. Potential of technological change: The oil and gas retail industry has faced a strong challenge due to different reason such as the production cost increment, bad impact on the environment and competition with the biofuel. Therefore, the oil and gas retail organization needs to take some initial steps to develop global oil and gas retail market. Monopoly of the transport market: It has been noticed that most of the environment conscious countries depend upon the biofuel. Moreover than 30% car industry already moves towards the biofuel (Forsyth 2014). The main advantage for the biofuel cars are their low carbon emission ratio. Apart from that the low price and easy availability in some countries make this biofuel as a popular replacement of petrol. Many cars have been banned due to the government legislation regarding the limitation of the carbon emission. On 2011 major importing countries have adopted the strong policies about the emission of carbon and efficiency of the vehicle (Bremmer 2014). It has been observed that the car industry has changed their strategy to survive in the competition market. They have started the production of the biofuel cars. The Brazil and USA have exported the more over billion of biofuel all over the world. Therefore, the automotive industry is an important lifeline for petroleum and gas retail industry. The automotive industry needs to use the catalyst converter in the exhaust system of the new cars. The supercharger is acted like a two different filtering system in the automobile exhaust system. The catalyst converter converts the toxic pollutant of the exhaust gas through the catalyst redox reaction such as oxidation or reduction. The catalyst converter converts the carbon mono-oxide in to carbon dioxide and maintains the carbon cycle. Therefore, the car industry and the fuel industry not face the challenge of environment protection act and gradually increase the demand of oil and gas. Frontier acreage and access to reserves: Frontier acreage challenge refers to the exploration and development of the new field in the different location. It has been observed that any popular places as cities are covered by at least 2 -3 oil and gas retailers (Barth 2013). Therefore, the existing companies have almost no scope to find out any comparatively low challenge business location. On another hand the reserve system of the oil; and gas retail organizations are limited. Therefore, the oil and gas retail organizations do get chances to store the oil and gas in a huge amount. Therefore the oil and gas companies need to develop the storage in multiple places to store oil and gas so that the demand and supply ratio will be maintained properly. The demand and supply ratio help the production industry to manage their production cost. Rising emerging market demand: As stated by Marchand (2012), moreover 51% oil and gas retail organization has claimed that they have earned the profit through the significant investment in the emerging market for China and other Asian countries. As argued by Sueyoshi and Wang (2014), in most cases the performance of the organizations in the emerging market depends upon the government pricing policy. Sometimes it has been observed that the foreign direct investment increase the bargaining power of the government. Therefore the oil and gas organization need to be more conscious of the investment plan in the emerging market. Modeling: It has been observed that the oil and gas retail organizations use the modern technology such as production frontier analysis. This new technology helps the organization to understand the Malmquist index to identify the production change as well as the expected price of the new product. Malmquist Total Factor Productivity (MTFP) helps the organization to identify the technological change, efficiency change and scale change of the production (Forsyth 2014). MTFPvrs = TCvrs.ECvrs.SCvrs. TCvrs refers to a technical change under vrs, and the ECvrs express the efficiency change under vrs. SCvrs defines the scale change under vrs. As opined by Christopherson and Rightor (2012), the technological change in the oil and gas retail sector is highly influenced by two different things such as innovation and learning by doing. On another hand, the oil and gas retail organizations use DEA for analyzing data and identify the best practice frontier (Marchand 2012). The DEA presents the nonparametric mathematical programming techniques which express the correct estimation of relative efficiency of the production unit. Advance ICE: The average fuel economies i.e.UK corporate are have remained almost same for last 10 years which is nearly 27.5 miles per gallon. Therefore, it gradually increases this year due to the technological improvement of the vehicles. The experts are expected that the ratio will be nearly 35.5 miles per gallon and 54.5 miles on 2025 (Ates and Durakbasa 2012). It can be identified that on 2025 the technological improvement ration of UK remains below the European and Chinese standard. It has been observed that the customers are demanding more fuel efficient vehicle. Now the car manufacturers also installed the computer controlled and software controlled fuel monitoring system to make the car most economic vehicle (Liu et al. 2012). Some popular car manufacturer such as AUDI, BMW, Volvo, Tesla, Toyota, Volkswagen and Nissan also launched the electric car to compete with the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) cars. Therefore, the competition among the technologies creates more attractive, high e fficient and low cost alternatives for the customers. On another hand, the installation charge of the solar power charging unit also drops about 2.85 per watt on 2012 (Mekhilef et al. 2012.). Therefore the many people have started to use the solar energy converter unit for domestic use instead of the regular energy. Therefore the alternative components and resource are considered as a technological improvement and have a great impact on the fuel and gas retail business. Conclusion: In this report the actual issues of the oil and gas retail organizations has been discussed. The oil and gas retail organizations have faced main challenge due to price hike of the production plant. The production plants also claimed that they already invested huge amount of money for drilling wells. It has been noticed that the no new well has been drilled during 2011 to 2013. Therefore, the production organization initially drilled several wells to supply the crude oil to the refinery. Apart from this, the demand for the petrol and gasoline is reduced due to the ethanol fuel. Therefore, the fuel and gas retailers need to take the help of different technological change such as reduce the pollution level of the fuel through the refinery, influenced the car manufacturer to install the catalyst charge in the exhaust system of the cars. Installation of the Malmquist index in their key business location and to influence the car manufacturer to implement the advance ICE technology in the cars are another two efficient process for development of oil and gas retail business. Reference list: Albino, V., Dangelico, R.M. and Pontrandolfo, P., 2012. 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