Monday, August 24, 2020
Communication and Dialogue
Theoretical: In this new time of globalization wherein individuals from assorted culture and ethnicity have met up to work in an association, exchange is in fact a significant method of correspondence. Numerous inquires about have demonstrated the way that distinctions in culture may teach a distinction in the reasoning example or stem into differential examination of a circumstance. In an association where esteems and development are relatedâ to one another, distinctions in conclusion may prompt squabble and clashes if not tended to well.Dialogue, a bidirectional progression of correspondence where accentuation is laid on saying as well as on tuning in and understanding simultaneously can be a helpful apparatus in an association to determine entomb individual clashes, clashes inside the division or clashes between two unique branches of a similar association. The exposition will feature the significance of presentation of exchange in a multicultural association and its utilization as a critical thinking apparatus in multicultural association where social speculation go about as a hindrance among them.Also, it will audit the job of discourse in advancing hierarchical learning. Next it will investigate a portion of the obstructions in correspondence, for example, â€Å"Silo virus†and requirement for disposals of those hindrances, finishing into an end for the ramifications of exchange in a multicultural association. Successive Conversation or Unidirectional Flow of Communication versus Dialogic discussion A discussion is supposed to be consecutive or unidirectional when there is a progression of data from the speaker to the audience (Eisenberg and Goodall, p. 27).This one way correspondence can be for all intents and purposes found in classes where understudy totally depend on educators addresses, likewise when administrators or the teacher characterize the convention of the work to the subordinates or recipients. As it were in a unidirectional or conse cutive correspondence audience members are aloof and are uninvolved in developing the thoughts of the correspondence (Eisenberg and Goodall, p. 28)â . Generally correspondence among administrators and worker were explained as direct unidirectional progression of conveying the executives messages to representatives and different voting public (Tourish and Hargie 2009, p. ). Nonetheless, exchange gives equivalent chances to all who are associated with the correspondence. Everybody has the state to voice their assessment and give their input either in understanding or in resistance of the center issue. Discourse in a working definition can be characterized as a careful discussion underlining on evenhanded and compassionate exchange of assessments of the members to make new open doors for cooperating to create new and inventive thoughts (Eisenberg and Goodall, p. 40-45) Hence discourse is a harmony among innovativeness and requirements (Eisenberg and Goodall ,p. 0). Discourse requests its members ought to have the option to basically reflect themselves I. e, they ought to be available to the way that the discernments made by them may not generally be precise. â€Å"What we see is regularly founded on our necessities, our desires, our projections, and, a large portion of all, our socially learned suspicions and classifications of thought (Schein 1993,p. 33)†. Members ought to have the option to suspend the observations and affections for quite a while to see the result of the exchange (Schein 1993).By suspending the sentiments the members will permit the differences to take off, consequently will fabricate common comprehension and trust on one another. Higher the trust higher will be the adequacy of the gathering. Members will be available to voice their unfearful conclusions, and will think of progressively inventive and effective arrangements. Discourse as a critical thinking instrument in a multicultural association The meaning of exchange says that ther e ought to be equivalent sharing of recognitions, suspicions, considerations and encounters to arrive at an extreme resolution (Schein 1993).Healthy correspondence interfaces the representative all the more unequivocally with the association by disposing of the feeling of segregation and disappointment. Representative who discuss routinely with their supervisors and co-workers have a higher feeling of employment commitment than the individuals who are hesitant to voice their sentiment. There is an immediate connection between the solid correspondence, cooperation of the representatives in dynamic and development of the association. Discourse doesn't just imply that you are heard, yet it likewise implies that your voice matters in the choices of the company.It gives a feeling of having a place with the worker and copies out pressure and inconvenience. The association with the higher number of mollified worker will have higher profitability both in number and developments. â€Å"The nature of associations with collaborators is a vital factor in deciding degrees of occupation satisfaction†(Tourish and Hargie 2009, p. 16). Occupation fulfillment can't just be ensured by fruitful finishing of an assignment, yet it includes numerous other crucial factors as well. Today when it is difficult to locate an uncultured association, finding out about the intercultural ommunication is a key need (Crossman et al 2011, p. 57). Culture assumes a conspicuous job in organizing human conduct, thoughts and manner of thinking (Wood2011). Contrasts of reasoning may prompt vagueness at the work place which may end into clashes. As per Ting-Toomey, the more prominent the distinction between two societies, the more that contentions will emerge in zones, for example, chronicled complaints, social world perspectives and convictions (Crossman et al 2011). Making Coherence in Multicultural Organization with discourse Employees have distinctive individual needs and consequently vari ous measurements for the satisfaction.The association should think about the staff needs of the worker and should work in a manner to sustain great connections among the representatives (Tourish and Hargie 2009). Joining great correspondence practices, for example, standard gathering gatherings, open house conversations or building new channels for correspondence continues work commitment of the representative. Troughs ought to have ability in intercultural relational abilities to sustain a situation of resilience to the uncertainty brought about by contrariness of social qualities and norms.As Brannen and Salk 1999, said cooperating to give productive outcome must be accomplished by bargaining the equivocalness and disarray for quality issues. The practices like  anâ open house bunch discussionsâ ,thought sharing and discoursed trade with seniors and partners will help in overcoming any barrier of miscommunication and misconception. Representatives who have an entrance to data, association arrangements, new pursuits and improvements have a sense of safety and safe at work. Intercultural interchanges alongside exchange help in upgrading the procedure of hierarchical learning through gathering interaction.It helps in sharing of social thoughts, qualities and convictions. Sincere and cheerful relations at work place dispose of pressure and burnout brought about by work weight and consequently benefits the representative with great focus and higher reasoning. Socially offset work cultureâ breedâ employee with better bits of knowledge and thus bring about cooperative reasoning and praiseworthy advancements. Anyway in a genuine business world where accentuation is laid more towards the effective consummation of the assignment, is it sensible to lecture exchange at each phase of choice making?Is it workable for an association to comprehend the necessities of each worker? Will it be right to state that itâ is the obligation of a chief to immunize great intercu ltural correspondence where the workers are hesitant to move their qualities and worldview? Executing discourse can be a relentless procedure for a chief. The Manager bears the obligation of achieving the objectives with in the given time span. Discourse must be effective when representatives are prepared to assume the liability to change themselves, else it will just bring about wastage of time.Dialogue is anything but difficult to lecture in a likeminded bunch having comparable qualities yet hard to communicate with the individuals who are hesitant to change. State for example it is anything but difficult to show a maturing worker the temperances of good correspondence. However,â the same couldn't be communicated to those profoundly experienced or skilled workers who are hesitant to adjust to new changes. Additionally, it is hard to bring representatives out of their customary range of familiarity and to shout out communicating their actual emotions. Discourse the center of hiera rchical learning Dialog lies at the center of authoritative learning, for without discourse, people and gatherings can't successfully trade thoughts, nor would they be able to create shared understanding†(Mazustis and Slawinski 2008, pg 438). Argyris said that there are two distinct methods of learning, Model 1 and Model II, best be summed up as single or twofold circle learning. He referenced in his composing â€Å"Teaching Smart individuals how to learn†, profoundly gifted proficient are acceptable at single circle learning on account of their huge encounters and achievement picked up in those experiences.However, Argyris contend that it is hard for them to concede their mistake,â and thus they embrace a guarded mentality wherein they begin censuring others for the disappointment. Protective thinking can square learning. Model I learning conduct endures all through the association coming about in to win/lose elements in which individual stay away from showdown (Mazu stis and Slawinski 2008). On differentiate Model II which depends on open exchange, self-reflection and twofold circle learning will help in getting key changes authoritative standards, needs and conduct (Argyris and Schon1978).It is through discourse that individuals share thoughts with others. Reconciliation of these thoughts with others is just conceivable when a gathering has  aâ common language and regular manner of thinking, which must be worked by dialogue(Mazustis and Slawinski 2008). Mutual significance can lead not exclusively to the transference of information, however als
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Quest for Inner Beauty in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay
The Quest for Inner Beauty in Jane Eryeâ Â â â â The magnificence of a lady is typically arranged into two classes: shallow, or physical, excellence and internal, or scholarly, excellence. In the Charlotte Bronte's Jane Erye, the hero dismisses her own physical excellence for her knowledge and ethical quality. This decision permits her to win the hand of the man she wants. Jane values her insight and thinking before any of her physical appearances as a result of her longing as a kid to peruse, the exercises she is instructed and the fortifications of the thought showing up in her adulthood. Over the span of the novel she inhabits five homes. In every one of these spots, the possibility of internal excellence vanquishing outside appearance turns into an exercise, and in her last home she picks up her prize, a man who adores her exclusively for her brain. She peruses against her cousins wishes as a kid at Gateshead, figures out how to esteem her knowledge as a kid at the Lowood Institution, her brain and lowliness win th e core of Mr. Rochester at Thornfield Manor, she procures St. John's proposition to be engaged at Marsh's End, and at long last she wins her prize of Mr. Rochester's turn in marriage at Ferndean Manor. Jane Erye spent the start of her adolescence at her Aunt's home, where she battles to turn out to be progressively smart by understanding books. Jane needs to learn, despite the fact that her cousin demands: You have no business to peruse our books; you are a ward (pg. 42). Not long after being struck for perusing, she lays in bed and demands: Gulliver's Travels from the library. This book I had over and over examined with charm (pg. 53). Her aspiration to peruse and better herself meets restriction from her cousins, yet she keeps on battling to peruse when she can. The family she lives ... ...e Place of Love in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. David Lodge, Fire and Eyre: Charlotte Brontã «'s War of Earthly Elements Fraser, Rebecca. The Brontes. first ed. New York: Crown Publishers, 1988. Â Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. third ed. New York: The Modern Library. Bronte, Charlotte. Charlotte Bronte's Letters. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1971. Diedrick, James.â Newman on the Gentleman. Â â â â â â â â â Diedrick, James.â Jane Eyre and A Vindicationâ of the Rights of Woman. Â â â â â â â â â Dickerson, Vanessa D. Victorian Ghosts in the Noontide. Â â â â â â â â â Brownell, Eliza. Age Difference in Marriage: The Context for Jane Eyre Â
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Link Between BPD and Dependent Personality Disorder
Link Between BPD and Dependent Personality Disorder BPD Related Conditions Print The Link Between Borderline and Dependent Personality Disorders By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 17, 2019 Hero Images / Getty Images More in BPD Related Conditions Diagnosis Treatment Living With BPD Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is frequently associated with other personality disorders. One of the most common disorders those with BPD also experience is a dependent personality disorder. What Is Dependent Personality Disorder? DPD is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5th edition, the manual used by mental health professionals to establish diagnostic criteria, DPD is classified as Cluster C, the cluster made up of anxious and fearful disorders. Other disorders included in Cluster C are avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders; all three show high levels of anxiety. Individuals with dependent personalities tend to be very clingy and have difficulties accomplishing tasks or making decisions without the help of others. They rely on others to meet their emotional and physical needs. They tend to feel inadequate and helpless and can have problems in their relationships because of their near-constant need for support. People with DPD have little trust in themselves or confidence. This can cause them to be completely reliant on a partner even in the case of domestic abuse. Common symptoms include: Fear of being aloneAvoiding taking initiative or responsibilitySensitivity to criticismLack of opinions While a direct cause is unknown, dependent personality disorder often shows itself in childhood and affects men and women equally. Dependent Personality Disorder vs. Borderline Personality Disorder Unlike those with DPD, people with BPD also experience rage, impulsivity, and aggression. They can be reckless and can engage in self-harm and see the world as black and white, with no middle ground. The two disorders often overlap in feelings of loneliness, avoiding responsibility and difficulty maintaining relationships. The Frequency of Co-Occurring DPD and BPD While studies of the co-occurrence, also known as a comorbidity, of the personality disorders are fairly limited, some researchers have examined the overlap between dependent and borderline personality. One study found that over 50 percent of patients with BPD also meet criteria for DPD. The prevalence of these comorbidities could be because some of the features of DPD are very similar to the features of BPD. For example, people with BPD experience rejection sensitivityâ€"they have a tendency to feel desperate at even the slightest perceived rejection. Individuals with DPD may react similarly to criticism or perceived abandonment by loved ones. Helping a Loved With DPD and Co-Occurring BPD Research has shown that both dependent and borderline personality disorders are treatable. Through a combination of therapy and medication, the symptoms of each disorder can be managed, enabling the affected person to live a fuller life. In order to be most effective, therapy will need to treat both disorders at once in order to achieve sustainable recovery. Find Support With the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs For example, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), schema-focused therapy, and transference-focused therapy all have treatment elements that focus on relationship problems. These may be appropriate treatment choices for someone with both BPD and DPD. In some cases, residential or outpatient services may be necessary. These treatment centers will have intensive skills training to make coping with the disorders more manageable.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The, Dark, Or As Scary - 991 Words
Even though a lot of thing events that happened to Bechdel was sad, dark, or as scary as was she managed to use a very witty tone throughout the story, reflecting on her personality. She believes dark events are not central to one’s life. She uses this tone as oppose to an angry tone because she never realized her family was in any way different until she was compared it to others. This strongly classifies Bechdel in the optimistic category of personalities. The tone of this novel can strike many people as hard to determine or understand. One of the best things about this novel is the consistency that Bechdel creates from her earliest childhood memories all the way until the ending of the book. Tone is known to illustrate the underlying feelings of the author. What is also very striking is Bechdel’s lack of emotion when any surprising event happens to her. What most tend to remember is when Mr. Bechdel’s death is announced to Bechdel and how she responds to the n ews. Normally speaking, or what most would refer to as normal is to have some kind of emotional breakthrough when finding out their loved one has passed in a tragic accident. â€Å"Is he dead? (Bechdel 81). In these three words Bechdel demonstrates her inability to fit into the mere â€Å"normal†category of reactions and blows the audience away. Bechdel explains how she cried for about two minutes to her girlfriend at the time and that was the most of mourning she did at all. Using the witty part of her, she pulls herselfShow MoreRelatedFast Food Is A Dark And Scary Hidden Story1502 Words  | 7 Pagesfast food industry has greatly increased in America. Fast food is so popular among Americans because of how cheap and affordable it is. On the other hand, behind it all is a whole different layer. The meaning behind the fast food industry is a dark and scary hidden story. The hidden story is in fact that people had suffered greatly because of their need to keep a job, even if it is dangerous. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on “the Lamp at Noon†and “to Kill a Mocking Birdâ€Â
Both â€Å"The Lamp at Noon†and â€Å"To Kill a Mocking Bird†are texts. The former is a short story while the latter is a novel. One might think those two works are mostly dissimilar for they are very different stories. â€Å"The Lamp at Noon†is about Paul, Ellen and their baby, who live on the grass lands and suffer from dust storm. Actually Paul wants to stay while Ellen wants to move to town. On the other hand, â€Å"à ¢Ã ¾ Kill the Mocking Bird†says about Atticus and his kids who live in Maycomb. Atticus is a lawyer and he tries his best to defend black man named Tom Robinson. However, if one further compares them can be see there are both differences and similarities between these two in term of writing techniques, characters and themes. There are†¦show more content†¦They both have unreachable goals. The former tried to prove innocence of black man in 1930s; however, the latter wants to restore his land after the dust storm. But Atticu s understands that it is impossible, he is realistic whlie Paul is too optimistic that he believes that the dust storm will stop and their life will improve. He said â€Å"So still now, and a red sky-it mean tomorrow will be fine†(72) it show that Paul is really optimistic. Next, Atticus is a very empathetic and kind person but Paul is different. He does not listen to his wife and as a result their baby dies. Furthermore, Atticus is a single man who has to both does his work and brings up his two children, but Paul who has a wife and a little baby is not really taking care about his child. So it shows that Atticus is a more responsible father while Paul is not. And they both sacrifice more than themselves to reach their goals. Paul is too taking care of his farm during his whole life and he doesnt care about his clorhes very much and he has no friends at all. His family can be broken. Atticus sacrifices his own and also his childrens reputation. One can see differences and similarities between Atticus and Paul. Lastly, in term of themes there are differences and similarities. In both texts one can see theme, empathy. In â€Å"the Lamp at Noon†Paul does not empathize with his wife, Ellen, and as a result their baby dies. While Atticus is different, he looks forShow MoreRelatedStylistic Potential of the English Noun16714 Words  | 67 Pagesof male beings, feminine (referred to as she) – names of female beings, neuter (referred to as it) – names of lifeless things and abstract notions2: Masculine: father, brother, boy Feminine: mother, girl, sister Neuter: computer, lamp, beauty, friendship Now let us consider another point of view namely that of Blokh M.[14] that a bit differs from the one already mentioned above. In her book â€Å"Theoretical Grammar†she agrees that the gender division of noun in English is expressed
Institutional Affiliation Free Essays
Terrorism within our borders was not something that people thought of daily if ever. Radio advertisements that instructed us on how to talk to our children about terrorist attacks, as though it were similar to a tornado warning, is not something that I anticipated in my lifetime. The atrocity that occurred on 9/11 is not something that is supposed to happen here, but it did. We will write a custom essay sample on Institutional Affiliation or any similar topic only for you Order Now We are challenged by the infiltration of immigrants to our country, whether legal or illegal. Our citizens are fearful of the future attacks that are threatened and at times the very presence of the Arab population within our communities. International terrorism threatens the United States, its allies, and the world community. Defeating the terrorist enemy requires sound policies, united government effort, and international cooperation. In light of that, it is difficult to remember as you board an airplane with six Arab passengers, that we live in the â€Å"melting pot. †America was founded on freedoms, freedom of speech and freedom of religion, to name a few. How do we, as a country, monitor and measure our safety, while ensuring the freedoms that are afforded our citizens? How do we deal with the threat of terrorism within our own borders? Can we provide safety by simply following the laws of our country? As a senior counter-terrorism official, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of our communities. Local law enforcement plays a critical role in enhancing the safety in communities. Communication links between local law enforcement and state and federal government will further the effectiveness of this program. It will be my responsibility to encourage local law enforcement in their fight against terrorism. We do not have the right to intrude on the religious activities of Arabs or anyone else within our communities without just cause. Defining terrorism in a country based on freedoms is a difficult task. Our country’s downfall is we have still not attempted to deal with or identify the causes of terrorism. We must identify the cause and the potential activities which threaten our society. The problem of terrorism–the problem of a relatively small number of violent lawbreakers who have set out to undermine our democratic way of life and seek either to blackmail the government through violence or the threat of violence to comply with their demands, or to overthrow the government entirely. We should all think about what kind of country we want to live in. To be truly patriotic means recognizing our responsibilities to uphold the democratic principles which make this the freest nation on Earth. It is important to remember that the opening words of the Constitution are `We the People’ not `I the People. ‘ Being a citizen in a democracy means that you can’t organize your own private army because you disagree with the actions of the democratically elected government. We need to focus on restorative justice. Restorative justice is grounded in the focus on the harm created, not simply on the breach of law. This means that the first priority is understanding and responding to the needs of victims and the healing of victims. The direct victims are the primary focus, but everyone else who has been touched by the crime is also involved, including the community as a whole. To address the harm to victims, restorative justice believes that we must affirm moral responsibility and the need for accountability on the part of those who have done the harm. Restorative justice sees the past in the context of the present and the future, looking at: * what accountability is needed to address the harm to the victims; * what accountability would provide the offender the opportunity to do restitution or reparation or whatever needs to be done to address the harm created; and * what accountability is needed for the restoration of community, including the restoration of the victim and the offender into community. Such accountability assumes the need for safety. This involves the whole community taking responsibility for the victims as well as the offender, including seeing everyone in a human context that is broader than just the moment of the crime. Finally, restorative justice is about the engagement of all parties, including the larger community, in working towards healing the harm and the creation of community, a community that includes both the victims and the offenders. Within our communities, it is critical that we appropriately monitor the business of individuals who have been associated or are believed to be associated with known terrorists. There are already procedures in place to monitor the actions of these individuals. It would not be appropriate to infiltrate communities on the basis of race, unless there are specific ties to known terrorists. Ethically, homeland security is responsible for the safety of all individuals within our borders and cannot pick and choose based on race. Known terrorists, whether American born or a foreign national, once captured should all receive the same treatment and rights. Recent actions of military in Iraq and elsewhere, if interpreted by the Iraqi people, may give rise to the belief that Americans are in fact the terrorists. The torture of Iraqi captives and the outright murder of innocent Iraqi civilians could lead one to believe that we are no better than Al Queda. We do not have the right to torture terrorists in order to gain information. Effective counterterrorism should take the form of prevention. We need to neutralize the terrorist organization by weakening it or making potential targets more difficult to attack. After the attacks of 9/11, an important distinction was drawn between the U. S. argument that an attack on Afghan soil was legitimate because of the Taliban’s close and supportive relationship with al Qaeda and the more extended claim, that one nation could launch an attack within another nation’s sovereign territory, even if there was no state support for terrorists acting within the borders. If evidence is present that a particular state has intentionally supported global terrorism and continues to do so, the case can be made for armed force to avoid future terrorist attacks within the framework of the just war tradition. A state linked to support of terrorism against another nation is engaged in a war of aggression. Any country that is the object of terrorist attacks has a right to defend itself. In effect, the case against the Taliban was not intervention for regime change but a war of self-defense against a government that was directly complicit in terrorist attacks. (Himes, 2004) The attack on Iraq does not meet the criteria of Just War. President Bush and his advisors presented a case for armed intervention in order to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Concern that enemies might use such weapons has fueled the new debate. The United States declared its willingness to initiate attacks upon adversaries it considers to be threatening. Anti-Americanism is alive and well in all parts of the world. Within our own borders, Anti-Americanism is not as widespread as is the disillusionment with our own government. It is not the foundations of America that are at issue, but the interpretation and thus application of our ability to affect the rest of the world. How to cite Institutional Affiliation, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Saving Water and Methods of Its Protection
Abstract Every form of life depends on water for existence. Water is also critical for most industrial processes. However, misuse and pollution of water are making it a very scarce commodity although most of the world population does not realize this. This paper describes water scarcity, factors behind the scarcity and the possible methods of protecting and conserving it.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Saving Water and Methods of Its Protection specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More At an industrial level, a good water management plan (WMP) is mandatory. Apart from saving water, the good WMP benefits the industry in various other ways. These are described in the paper. It also considers various methods of saving water at home and the possibility of forced water conservation in cases where consumers are ignorant. Introduction What is water? How and why do we need to conserve it? These are very important questi ons when considering sustainability of life in the future. Most people especially in the developed world do not realize that sustainability of life in the future is at stake if measures to conserve water are not implemented. This is because through out their lives, these people have had readily available fresh water (Cheng, 2010). Their taps and showers never run out of water, the water closets always flush and even when they need ice, the refrigerator has more than enough. The only people who realize that water is scarce are those from arid and semiarid regions where getting a cup of clean drinking water counts as one of their greatest challenge. In the developing countries of Africa and the Middle East, women from some places walk for six kilometers a day just to fetch water. Even in their cities, water crisis is not a new thing. This has not been felt in the developed countries because of the well-established infrastructure, which is absent in the developing countries. Due to thi s, the issue of water scarcity is assumed to only affect the developing countries. However, this is not the case and Live Earth CEO has warned that in 20-25 years time, there will be a disaster in developed countries (Mueller, 2010). There is therefore a dire need to protect and conserve water in our daily domestic and industrial activities. Water scarcity Water is a unique compound. It exists naturally in three physical states namely: solid, liquid and gas unlike many other compounds.It is vital for sustenance of life; it transports nutrients and oxygen to cells, normalizes body temperature, regulates Earth’s temperature, removes wastes, protects tissue, and many other functions (â€Å"importance of water,†n.d.).Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Without water, standard animals would only survive for a few days.At an industrial level, all manufacturi ng and processing companies require water somewhere along their production lines.Water is therefore important not only for existence of life, but also for economic activities.It needs to be protected and conserved. In order to show effectively the importance of conserving water, it is imperative to show the logical reasons for doing so. Since it is a known fact that 80% of the earth’s surface is covered by water, someone may ask how then water can be scarce. To answer this question, water is scarce because only less than 1% of this surface water is fresh water (â€Å"The water cycle,†n.d.). Almost all of our daily needs such as drinking, cooking, irrigation, manufacturing and many others require this fresh water. Apart from the surface water, there is the ground water. This water is also available for use but over the years, the water table has been decreasing day by day. Boreholes dry up and deeper ones need to be drilled. Another problem with availability of water i s water pollution. Although Earth’s processes recycle water, its pollution makes it unavailable for future use. Factory discharges, pesticides and herbicides, sewage waste, detergents and all other chemicals that we use on the surface affects the natural water sources. Pollution is therefore acting as one of the major reasons of scarcity in portable water. Measures to protect and conserve water can be applied at domestic and industrial level. Industrial Water Protection and Conservation Industries should also strive to conserve water. To do this, they need a water management plan (WMP) which is effective. For the water management plan to be effective, it must incorporate both systems and technical approaches (Mohan, 2007). This is because incorporating both systems and technical approaches ensures that water management is sustainable. That is, the plan will effectively manage the water usage at the current state of the company as well as in the future. The change in managemen t priorities or departure of a champion for the plan does not jeopardize the WMP. Therefore, an effective WMP ensures continued improvement in water conservation. All companies that are planning to conserve water must have an effective WMP. Traditional water management systems only incorporated the technical approach and sustainability was a problem. Mohan (2007) describes the characteristics of a good WMP to be leadership, accountability, efficient water usage, minimized pollution, addressing behavioral changes in water usage, driving development of data collection and reporting of water usage, specifying the benefits and costs of the system to the company and driving changes in how the company interacts with suppliers.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Saving Water and Methods of Its Protection specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More By ensuring that the water management plan of the company meets these charact eristics, sustainable water management by the company is achieved. The company also achieves other benefits. It saves costs, aligns water conservation with corporate strategy, good public relation and citation for obtaining subsidies among others. The plan also has the overall effect of minimizing water shortage. Domestic Water Protection and Conservation Measures At home, every individual can contribute at protecting and conserving water. If everybody is made aware of the importance of conserving water, the world’s population may safeguard its future and that of the future generations. One of the areas in which people can save water is through minimizing the quantity of water spent every day. People use water without caring if there will be more tomorrow. They just know that if there is no water, they will complain to the city council and the problem will be solved. This is especially the case if the families can afford the clear the water bills. People misuse the water beca use they can pay for it. They spend too much time in the shower, leave the taps running unnecessarily and excessively water their lawns. These are just a few examples of some of the ways people use excessive water in circumstances that would require less water. By making people aware of the effect their activities have on water availability, some wasted water will be conserved. Apart from conserving water, individuals may also protect water sources from pollution. Use of environmental friendly detergents and other household chemicals will have a positive impact on minimizing the level of water pollution. By minimizing water pollution, the costs involved in treatment and purification of water will be used to implement other infrastructure in water management. Forced Water Conservation Leaving the option of conserving water to individual citizens may not be very effective since some of them may not care much. The authorities involved in provision of water should put in place measures that force the consumers to conserve water. In Los Angeles, the city’s department of water and power has implemented several restrictive measures to cub water wastage. Lawn sprinklers in the region are not permitted between 9.00am and 4.00pm (Welch, 2009). This ensures minimum water loss through evaporation. In addition to this, the sprinklers are only permitted twice a week a week (Welch, 2009). The result of these restrictions is that water consumption by single-family homes decreased by over 23 percent.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To be able to observe these restrictions, Los Angeles residents had to change the type of vegetation they planted on their compounds. They replaced grass that requires a lot of water with low water native plants like rosemary and synthetic grass. These measures by the city council were effective in controlling wastage of water. It is worth noting that the city council determined the most water wasting activities performed by residents of Los Angeles and restricted them. This can also be done in other cities. If residents of Los Angeles, which receives very little rainfall in a year, can save water, residents of other places can save water too Discussion and Conclusion Ensuring water conservation is a challenging task. It has many challenges especially since it mainly depends on people’s perception and willingness to change. To change people’s perception and habits, intensive awareness campaigns are needed and this requires a lot of investment. With few bodies ready to support such campaigns, it is still not possible to reach every individual and change their water usage habits. At the industrial level, investment is also needed to implement WMPs. Most corporate organizations are not willing to make the step especially those focused on only maximizing their profits. These limitations therefore call for forced water conservation by authorities, which is not sometimes possible due to lack of such laws in many places. Water is vital for existence of life. It is also important for economic activities carried out by man. The amount of water available on Earth is not enough to meet all its requirements. Further more, with the current excessive waste of fresh water and pollution, the life of future generations is at stake. If protection and conservation of water is not done, there will be a disaster in the coming few decades. The conservation measures are needed at both domestic and industrial levels. At the domestic level, awareness is needed since most people in developed countries do not realize the importance of conserving water. Forced water conservation is even needed in some cases. At an industrial level, all companies should develop and implement an effective water management plan (WMP) that ensures sustainable water management. A good WMP has far-reaching benefits for the company as well as the society. (1640 words). Reference List Cheng, M. (2010). Teen Ink. Be hydro-smart. 21(6), 25-25. â€Å"Importance of water.†(N.d.). Water is our lifeline that bathes us and feeds us. Fremont watersheds. Web. Mohan, S. (2007). Practical Approach to Water Conservation for Commercial and Industrial Facilities. Amsterdam: Boston Elsevier. Mueller, E. (2010, April). Going the Distance-An Interview with Live Earth CEO Kevin Wall. The water cycle.†(N.d.). Ecosystems. Thinkquest. Web. Welch, W.M. (2009, December 13). L.A. mows down water usage. USA Today. Retrieved from -water_N.htm This research paper on Saving Water and Methods of Its Protection was written and submitted by user Saige Campbell to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Brave New World Book Review
'Brave New World' Book Review In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley constructs a futuristic society based on pleasure without moral repercussions, and within it places a few oddball characters to stir up the plot. With eugenics at its core, this novel hearkens back to Shakespeares The Tempest, where Miranda says, O brave new world, that hath such people in it. Background on Brave New World Aldous Huxley published Brave New World in 1932. He was already established as a drama critic and novelist of such books as Crome Yellow (1921), Point Counter Point (1928), and Do What You Will (1929). He also was well-known to many of the other great writers of his day, including the members of the Bloomsbury Group (Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, etc.) and D.H. Lawrence.Even though Brave New World is now considered a classic, the book was criticized for a weak plot and characterization when it was first published. One review even said, Nothing can bring it alive. Along with the poor and mediocre reviews, Huxleys book has also become one of the most frequently banned books in literary history. Book banners have cited negative activities (undoubtedly referring to the sex and drugs) in the book as reason enough to prevent students from reading the book. What World Is This? This Utopian/dystopian future offers the drug soma and other carnal pleasures, while manipulating the people into mind-numbing dependence. Huxley explores the evils of a seemingly satisfied and successful society, because that stability is only derived from the loss of freedom and personal responsibility. None of the people challenge the caste system, believing they all work together for the common good. The god of this society is Ford, if the dehumanization and loss of individuality wasnt enough. A Controversial Novel Part of what has made this book so controversial is the very thing that has made it so successful. We want to believe that technology has the power to save us, but Huxley shows the dangers as well.John claims the right to be unhappy. Mustapha says its also the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what might happen tomorrow... By getting rid of all of the most unpleasant things, the society also rid itself of many of the true pleasures in life. Theres no real passion. Remembering Shakespeare, Savage/John says: You got rid of them. Yes, thats just like you. Getting rid of everything unpleasant instead of learning to put up with it. Whether tis better in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them... But you dont do either. Savage/John thinks of his mother, Linda, and he says: What you need... is something with tears for a change. Nothing costs enough here.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Verbal Noun - Definition and Examples
Verbal Noun s A noun that is derived from a verb (usually by adding the suffix -ing) and that exhibits the ordinary properties of a noun. For example, in the sentence His firing of William was a mistake, the word firing functions as a verbal noun (A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, 1985). As Sidney Greenbaum notes in The Oxford Companion to the English Language (1992), Verbal nouns contrast with deverbal nouns, that is, other kinds of nouns derived from verbs, such as attempt, destruction, and including nouns ending in -ing that do not have verbal force: building in The building was empty. They also contrast with the gerund, which also ends in -ing, but is syntactically a verb.In traditional grammar, the expression verbal noun has often been treated as a synonym for gerund, but both terms are out of favour among some modern grammarians (Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 2014). Examples and Observations: The atmosphere at home had become difficult as we approached our opening of the Shrew.(Sian Phillips, Public Places. Faber Faber, 2003)His acting the part of Othello was distinguished by a breadth and grandeur that placed it far beyond the efforts of other actors.Even in fiction, the Joads misery is best captured in vignettes: Mas colloquies with Rose of Sharon, the rollicking dance at the government camp, Uncle Johns sending the dead baby down the river, images easily translated into film. (Susan Shillinglaw, Introduction to A Russian Journal by John Steinbeck. Penguin, 1999)Margureitte Radcliffes afternoon testimony was taken up with her typing of the confession, the choice of paper, the crossed-out portions, the manner in which she had inserted the paper into the typewriterall questions from Andy Weathers. (Ann Rule, Everything She Ever Wanted. Simon Schuster, 1992)The building of the British Empire may be said to have begun with the ascent of Queen Elizabeth to the thr one. The dead might as well try to speak to the living as the old to the young. (Willa Cather, One of Ours, 1922) Nominal Qualities of Verbal Nouns Though derived from a verb, a verbal noun is strictly a noun, and it exhibits nominal properties: it takes determiners like the and this, it permits adjectives (but not adverbs), it permits following prepositional phrases (but not objects), and it can even be pluralized if the sense permits. Example: In football, the deliberate tripping of an opponent is a foul. Here the verbal noun tripping takes the determiner the, the adjective deliberate and the prepositional phrase of an opponent, but it exhibits no verbal properties at all. In other words, tripping, in this case, is a perfectly ordinary noun, behaving just like any other noun, with no verbal properties in sight. Compare the last example with one involving the unremarkable noun attack: In football, a deliberate attack on an opponent is a foul. (R.L. Trask, Mind the Gaffe! Harper, 2006) -ing Forms English . . . has a verb plus -ing form, rare in the multiplicity of its functions and in its complexity. No two grammars appear to agree on the appropriate terms for these forms: gerund, verb noun, verbal noun, participial clause, participial adjective, present participle, deverbal adjective, deverbal noun. Moreover, often one or another of its uses is omitted. (Peter Newmark, Looking at English Words in Translation. Words, Words, Words: The Translator and the Language Learner, ed. by Gunilla M. Anderman and Margaret Rogers. Multilingual Matters, 1996) Gerunds and Verbal Nouns Gerunds are defined by two properties, the first making them verb-like, the second noun-like: (a) A gerund contains (at least) a verb stem and the suffix -ing.(b) A gerund has one of the functions that are characteristic of nounsor rather, . . . a gerund heads a phrase with one of the functions that are characteristic of NPs . . .. The combination of verb-like and noun-like properties given in (a) and (b) underlies the traditional characterisation of gerunds as verbal nouns. Note, however, that this latter term, verbal noun, implies that greater weight is attached to (b) than to (a): a verbal noun is primarily a kind of noun, not a kind of verb. (Rodney D. Huddleston, Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press, 1984) Possession and Verbal Nouns You are familiar with gerund clauses as in this sentence: 30a We watched Mark winning the race. Compare this sentence: 30b We applauded Marks winning of the race. 30b contains a verbal noun, formed like the gerund by adding -ing to the verb but differing from the gerund in the kind of construction it appears in: the subject of the verbal noun is typically possessive and the object of the verbal noun is preceded by of, as in the example. All verbs form a gerund by adding -ing. . . .The next group of sentences contains verbal noun clauses in subject and object positions. As the examples show, when the verb requires a preposition before an object, the verbal noun keeps that preposition but if the verb does not have a preposition, the verbal noun inserts of. 31 I enjoyed our conversation. (We conversed.)32 Your response to that question was brilliant. (You responded to that question.)33 The companys employment of many people has added to our local economy. (The company employs many people.)34 The president will soon announce her selection of a new cabinet officer. (The president selects a new cabinet officer.) If the verb has an overt subject, that subject becomes a possessive form before a verbal noun, as shown. If there is no overt subject, the verbal noun is preceded by the.​ (Charles W. Kreidler, Introducing English Semantics, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2014) Also Known As: -ing noun
Friday, February 14, 2020
The importance of the Roles Played by the Stock Market Assignment
The importance of the Roles Played by the Stock Market - Assignment Example The stock market has so many roles that it plays and the various roles are of utmost importance as a primary market and as a secondary market in the development of the economy. There are quite a number of the most stable, mature, and well performing stock markets around the world, for instance, London, Hong Kong and New York(Van Antwerp,W,1975) The roles that the stock markets perform are very central to the development of any economy. By virtue of the primary markets being involved with new securities, this is where an investor interested in initial public offerings of any public company and also government bonds can easily go find them. In such a market, securities are sold to investors directly from the selling company itself. This makes trading at the stock market faster and easier. In the London stock exchange for instance ,one of the most common traded securities are the municipal bonds, this basically entails the direct purchasing of debenture from the concerned auth orities, for instance, the municipality. The London stock exchange put a lot of premium on these primary markets because to them, these markets are very important not just in strengthening the economy but also in as far as capital markets are concerned. The recent world financial crisis had, indeed, a great negative impact to the performance of the stock markets world over. The stock exchanges, for instance, does provide facilities related to issuance or redemption of securities and many other like capital events, income payment and dividends. Securities that are traded on any given stock exchange may include shares that are provided by the unit trusts, companies, derivatives as well as investment products such as bonds(Giddy,1994) Stock exchange is, in most cases considered to be the most necessary component of any stock market. The stock market’s demand and supply is normally driven by so many factors which, in virtually all the fee markets, affect stocksâ₠¬â„¢ price. In any country the financial system tends to fund other areas from the haves and their surplus funds to the ones with a shortage in funds, by direct market financing or indirect bank finance. A country’s financial system and markets matters a lot in as far as the economic growth is concerned. The stock market plays a very big role in ensuring that the economy grows steadily. As much as some economists do not believe in the argument that the finance-growth kind of relationship between how well or bad the stock market is doing to the economic development.The economic development that is seen in any place always creates demands for certain types of financial arrangements, and financial system always tend to automatically respond to such demands. The stock market has natural mechanisms that help in addressing the issue of ensuring that a nation or a city has achieved what is considered to be the optimal financial system outlook. Overall, the stock market stabilizes th e financial system, together with other well-developed systems for instance a good legal system, and this is normally done by incorporating elements or aspects of direct market based finance and indirect banking based finance. A stable and well developed stock market ensures that that there is a stable and strong financial system in place
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Impacts of MIS on Aramex Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Impacts of MIS on Aramex - Assignment Example As the paper discusses while MIS reduces the occurrence of human error, it does not eliminate error. Managers will have to train and educate the employees on the various impacts MIS has on the entire organization’s operations, especially if they are to achieve competitive advantage. For Aramex, the way MIS is implemented will determine whether IT will drive business or whether MIS will become a function to be absorbed by business lines as managers become more versed with the systems. Because MIS will determine the future strategic direction for Aramex it is important to determine the impact of MIS on Aramex’s decision-making, organizational structure, data security, as well as the impact that future trends are likely to have on Aramex’s strategy. This study outlines that Aramex has an abundance of data at their disposal that they can draw on when making decisions. Aramex can use many tools in the analysis of data to improve on their decision-making. A ramex are able to bring a vast collection of analytical tools to focus efforts and extract data value in adding value to the organization. Aramex uses MIS in decision making as MIS provides a process through which Aramex can transform data, which is dispersed or disorganized into high quality information with added value that allows Aramex to make decisions that are more effective. MIS also has the ability to increase the employee’s insights on the information.... h which Aramex can transform data, which is dispersed or disorganized into high quality information with added value that allows Aramex to make decisions that are more effective (Edwards et al, 2000, p. 37). MIS also provides for a process that coherently combines skills to analyze and interpret information from numerous organizational sources, as well as the ability to aid non-specialists in deciphering complex technical information. Finally, MIS also has the ability to increase the employee’s insights on the information (Edwards et al, 2000: p38). MIS aids in the process of value extraction from data, such as the development of a hypothesis, data gathering, data analysis, data interpretation, communication of insights, and making decisions that are informed to take action (Fazlollahi & Vahidov, 2001, p. 236). MIS has the ability to move an organization to effective handling of information from simply working with data, turning it into knowledge with added value for competiti ve advantage. At Aramex, their MIS framework compares to the Plan Do Check Act cycle (personal communication, August 1, 2013), which is an almost modern quality control. This was designed by Dr. Edwards Deming, which he also referred to as the Shewhart cycle. In six sigma programs, Dr. Deming further refined this cycle in to; define, measure, analyze, control, and improve cycle (Fazlollahi & Vahidov, 2001, p. 236). Using information to enhance decision-making has to do with data conversion into information, while the information is further converted into knowledge that can help the organization in making decisions (Wiederhold, 2000: p89). According to Mr. Kamal, Aramex uses the PPVC system for data conversion (personal communication, August 1, 2013). PPVC as a prescriptive normative model
Friday, January 24, 2020
A Look Into False Memory Syndrome :: Memory Psychology Disorders Medical Essays
Memory is the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experiences. A repressed memory is one that is retained in the subconscious mind, where one is not aware of it but where it can still affect both conscious thoughts and behavior. When memory is distorted or confabulated, the result can be what has been called the False Memory Syndrome: a condition in which a person's identity and interpersonal relationships are entered around a memory of traumatic experience which is objectively false but in which the person strongly believes (note that the syndrome is not characterized by false memories as such). We all have memories that are inaccurate. Rather, the syndrome may be diagnosed when the memory is so deeply ingrained that it orients the individual's entire personality and lifestyle, in turn disrupting all sorts of other adaptive behaviors. The analogy to personality disorder is intentional. False memory syndrome is especially destructive because the person assiduously avoids c onfrontation with any evidence that might challenge the memory. Thus it takes on a life of its own, encapsulated and resistant to correction. The person may become so focused on the memory that he or she may be effectively distracted from coping with real problems in his or her life (Loftus 1980, 1997). There are many models which try to explain how memory works. Nevertheless, we do not know exactly how memory works. One of the most questionable models of memory is the one which assumes that every experience a person has had is 'recorded' in memory and that some of these memories are of traumatic events too terrible to want to remember. These terrible memories are locked away in the subconscious mind, i.e. repressed, only to be remembered in adulthood when some triggering event opens the door to the unconscious. Both before and after the repressed memory is remembered, it causes physical and mental disorders in a person. Some people have made an effort to explain their pain, even cancer, as coming from repressed memories of incest in the body. Scientists have studied related phenomenon such as people whose hands bleed in certain religious settings. Presumably such people, called stigmatics, "are not revealing unconscious memories of being crucified as young children, but rather are demonstrating a fascinating psychogenic anomaly that springs from their conscious fixation on the suffering of Christ. Similarly, it is possible that conscious fixation on the idea that one was sexually abused might increase the frequency of some physical symptoms, regardless of whether or not the abuse really occurred.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
In what ways was the stimulus material developed during the drama process?
Before we had been shown our choices of stimuli, we had been introduced to a range of exercises that enabled us to explore texts, music and pictures in different ways. This helped immensely during the first stages of development, as we had an idea of how the stimuli could influence the performance overall. For example, looking at pictures we would determine who were the main people involved in the picture, and if somebody looked sad, we tried to give them a story behind that sadness. After looking at a variety of pictures, we decided upon ‘Scream' By Edvard Munch. There were two versions of this picture, both colour, and one in black and white. We all agreed that the black and white picture created the wider range of possibilities for us, as it represented a more eerie and haunting scene. We created a spider diagram of words that we felt when looking at the picture. Words relating to anger, trapped, loneliness, disfigurement, illness and paranoia all appeared within this first diagram. The next stage of processing the drama was to decide on which of these themes we liked the most. ‘Trapped' gave us the biggest set of possibilities to explore into, as it incorporated many of the above emotions anyway. After another spider diagram where we came up with a wider range of words that derived from the feeling of being trapped. These included illness, abuse, eating disorders, OCD and correctness. Next each member researched into a specific topic from this diagram, and thought up an interpretation of each scene. We collectively decided that to reflect the image, we would follow no particular structure or genre of acting. We thought that by letting each scene flow independently would create a basis for us to expand on. However we knew that at some point we would have to link them all together to create a performance. Much like the lines in the image, as each line helps create the bigger picture. Our concepts that we're derived from the word trapped were specifically based on modern concepts, which helped with the audiences understanding of the subject matter, and more aware of how it affects society today. There is one scene however which doesn't really reflect modern day, however it is still representative of recent history. This scene is the suffragette scene. We used this to reflect upon the fact that the issues we were representing are not just modern issues, but have in fact been around for years. From our spider diagrams we came up with a list of possible plots, and characters that would be involved in each scene. We experimented with our techniques to develop the stimulus. Rehearsal techniques came in very handy during the dry spells in our development. We were often faced with a mental block of ideas, and therefore chose to experiment with different rehearsal methods based around one of our theme words to help us out. For example, we knew we wanted a scene on abuse, yet we did not know how we wanted to show this. Whether realism or surrealism would be more appropriate and effective. Therefore, we used a technique in which we chose a subject of abuse, and whether we were the abused or the abuser. When a thought came into our mind on the chosen subject, we would shout out how we felt. For example my character had been cheated on, and I said ‘what do you think you're doing with my husband? He's MY husband not yours'. We gradually made the lines more dramatic and offensive, until we had reached the highest level of abuse we thought possible. This really helped us in creating out performance as we then decided to re-enact the abuse scene the same as that, yet eventually repeat one line until we all ended up creating a machine. This form of acting worked well as it showed how the many different aspects of abuse. We decided to do this by walking through the audience and shouting our words to the audience making them feel very uneasy and extremely vulnerable. To enable this technique to have more of an effect, we made the audience sit in small groups of two of three. We placed their chairs randomly at different angles (however all facing the stage to some degree) and this helped create the tension and effect of being alone. We felt this was an important link to our stimulus as the image is relating to loneliness and madness. We used status work to try and create the levels of status that we should portray in each scene. The image represents a delusion of a person who is obviously distressed in some way or another. Therefore during the construction of the scenes, we made every character determine what status they were in comparison to the other characters on the stage at the same time. Although our stimulus provided us with many ideas, we also wanted to incorporate this image with one of the previous stimuli that we had looked at. It was a piece of music which we felt was a representation of poverty as it sounded so sad and depressing. We felt that the image and the music intertwined and linked well with each other, as poverty is present in the music and poverty = loneliness, and loneliness is obviously present in the image.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
End of Life Medical Issues Essay - 831 Words
Euthanasia: When should be the End? Christina Nichols PHI208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning Craig Thompson June 6, 2014 End of life medical issues are a very sensitive subject for doctors, patients, and family members. Some support the patients’ right to terminate their own life. Euthanasia loosely called physician assisted suicide is when one takes deliberate action to end life when faced with persistent suffering and certain death (Medical News Today, 2012).Many feel that patients should not have to suffer unjustly when faced with serious pain and debilitating illness. Often times it is just as difficult for family members to stand by and watch loved ones suffer. As someone that has witnessed both my grandmothers die on hospice†¦show more content†¦We would have to have a general rule of practice when deciding when treatments would be denied based on one’s health. I believe that each person’s medical issues and chances of survival are unique, and they should be treated as an individual. If care were based on the ability to provide physician assisted death in the United States I believe that patients would not receive the best care. Insurance companies and doctors would be making decisions based on financial gain or loss. Physicians and insurance companies may even persuade patients and patient’s families to make decisions regarding care that are solely based on money. In the video End of Life Care, Professor of Law Richard Epstein describes people in terms of investments, in which hospitals would bounce from the emergency room those who are most likely to die (ForaTv, 2009). Lastly, euthanasia should not be an option because only God should be allowed to determine when ones journey has been completed. I believe as long as a person is present their life holds value. Only God should be able to choose when your life is complete. He has put us here for a reason, even though at times that reason is not evident to us. Our bodies are designed to endure only what they can handle, it is only when the body can endure no more that it shuts down. People should not be the decision makers on who gets to live or die, that type of power should notShow MoreRelatedLegal And Ethical Principles Of Health Care1661 Words  | 7 Pagesoptions. End- of- live involves ethical and legal concerns with end-of-life care have focused on the interest of patients, an interest referred to as autonomy or self-determination. On the other hand, medical professionals buttress the feelings that arise from these relationships s could undermine the morale of health care professionals and thus their commitment to doing their utmost for every patient. 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Medical improvements have set the stage for ethical and legal controversies about not only the patient’s rights but also the family’s rights and the medical profession’s proper role. It is critical that any decision made in such situationRead MoreParental Decision-Making Essay example1517 Words  | 7 PagesGuttmacher Report on Public Policy, current laws in the United States of America indicate that minors under the age of eighteen, unless medically emancipated, must have the medical consent of their parent or parents before any health care decision can be made (Boonstra Nash, 2000). These laws do not include health sensitive medical care like prescriptions for contraception, abortion of fetus, pregnancy care or drug addiction reh abilitation. Pediatric nurses are in a unique position that serves as theRead MoreLateral Sclerosis : A Progressive Neurodegenerative Disease That Causes Devastating Debilitation And Raises Many Ethical Questions1288 Words  | 6 Pagesethical questions. Many of these questions revolve around quality of life and end of life issues. ALS, specifically, complicates theses issues because of the natural progression of the disease. Patients gradually loose their ability to move, breath and communicate, while retaining, for the most part, their cognitive function. There is currently no cure for the disease and very little in the forms of treatment options, with the average life span after an ALS diagnosis only about three to five years withRead MoreEssay on Ethical Viewpoint1447 Words  | 6 Pagesmake a decision about their medical care. The decision can be a legal or ethical one. In the medical arena someone has to make this tough decision. The decision what to do would be easy if everyone put in place an advance directive or living will. Hospitals and other healthcare organizations had to come up with ways to deal with ethical issues revolving around impaired or incompetent physicians, end-of-life issues, ethics and economics, and abuse and ethical issues. The quality assurance processRead MoreAssisted Suicide Essay966 Words  | 4 PagesIs the role of a medical professional to ensure the health and comfort of their patients, or to help them end their lives? Since Dr. Kevorkian assisted in the suicide of Janet Adkins in 1990, physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has been one of the most controversial issues in the medical field today. While some view it as an individual right, others view it as an unethical issue that goes against medical ethics and religious values. Mr. H. M. is an elderly man who is diagnosed with terminal lung cancerRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemmas Of Euthanasia Essay1638 Words  | 7 Pagesprofessional literature will explore the et hical dilemmas that Canadian medical professionals face while considering euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide, the latter of which was made legal in Canada on June 17, 2016 (Chochinov and Frazee, 2016). This paper will discusses the conflicts that healthcare professionals are faced with when looking at the quality of life for the terminally ill or comatose patients and these patients’ desires to end their pain and suffering with physician-assisted suicide (PAS)Read MoreThe Concept Of Physician Assisted Suicide1510 Words  | 7 Pagesis a very divisive issue in modern times. The fact that modern medicine can prolong life has been seen throughout recent generations, but now that lives have been extended for so long some people would like to use modern medicines to put an end to their own lives prematurely. There are many strong opinions about this issue on either side of the argument, but it seems that those who oppose the practice are doing so without allowing themsel ves to see the full scope of the issue. What they are failingRead MoreHospice Services: A Valuable Resource within a Community1505 Words  | 6 PagesInitially met with great skepticism and mistrust by the general population and the medical community, hospice services and care are now considered a valuable resource and venue of care for those suffering from a terminal illness and for their families. The choice of hospice services and the approach of palliation of symptoms, comfort care, and the end of life can be difficult for a patient and family. The many issues that surround the concept of hospice care may cause the patient and family feelings
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